Blast Off

By Kat Shepley and Ryan Wright.

Here's Ryan.

BIO:  Ryan is a recent graduate of the Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Animation Program. Cartoons and video games occupy most of his time whether it's for work or entertainment.

Ryan is working with Kaitlyn Shepley on:
"Blast Off"
Synopsis:  A short film about how dreams can slip away from you if you let them.

You can find Ryan's work here:

Here's his film:

Jackpot from Ryan Wright on Vimeo.

And here's Kaitlyn Shepley, another of our participants.


Bio: Kaitlyn Shepley is a recent traditional animation grad from Algonquin College. When she's not animating, she can be found posing majestically with her iguana and talking about the fruit du jour.

She's working the previously-introduced Ryan Wright on;
"Blast Off"
Synopsis: A short film about how dreams can slip away from you if you let them.

You can find her blog over here: http://kaitlyn-shepley.blogs